Friday, April 19, 2019

Health Promotion

One big take away I got from listening to professor Flick was the vision change for healthy people from 2020 to 2030.  The focus for the new 2030 vision puts an emphasis on health and well being across the lifespan instead of where people are at a certain point in their life. By putting the focus on health starting at birth, preventative measures can be put in place to improve the quality of life for people.  Screening for things before they happen is another way this can be implemented in this vision statement.

A big key in health promotion is prevention.  Prevention is the absolute best way to improve health among any population.  There are three types of interventions that aim to reduce health risks.  The first is primary which prevents injury or disease before it occurs.  The second is secondary when the injury/disease has already occurred, but it is detected early to keep it from getting worse. The final one is called tertiary which is where you work to improve the quality of life for someone who has a chronic illness or injury.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blog 3 Shoulder

The scapulohumeral rhythm is the movement of the scapula with the humerus. It is important for these two bones to move together in order for the human body to achieve full range of motion. These structures move in a 2:1 ratio meaning for every two degrees the humerus moves, the scapula moves one degree. The muscles producing this movement help to stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa by not allowing it to come out of the "socket". If a person does not have scapulohumeral rhythm, then they will not be able to have full range of motion which would decrease you measurements in the shoulder.  The humerus could hit the acromion from being pulled up too far also not allowing full 180 degrees ROM. Movement of the scapula provides the sliding motion of the humerus to allow this much motion. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Foundations Podcast

One thing I learned from the assignment was that universal design is an important aspect that we as a society need to seek out.  Universal design helps eliminate any issues that may arise from anyone with a disability. Something as simple as a modification of a door knob design can help millions of people.  When universal design begins to take place, it becomes a downhill affect and it continues to happen with everything being designed.  It is important to think of how every single person can use something when it is being designed.  Every single person has some sort of disability regardless of if it is temporary or permanent.
Another thing I learned from this assignment was about working with different people throughout OT services.  From listening to the podcasts, it seems like every individual client has something unique about them that either helps or hinders their participation in an activity.  As an OT, you have to come up ways to get your client to participate in an activity that they may be scared of or not want to do at all.  Similar to the Au-Some swimmers podcast, they had to sprinkle the water on this child's head to get them use to having water on their head because they did not want to put their head under the water when swimming.  Small steps such as this can lead to success when working with clients in OT.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Measuring ROM and MMT

Locating bone landmarks and positioning are very important when measuring range of motion.  Using the same location provides reliability and validity when repeating the measurement.  The bone landmarks provide a point to position the center of the goniometer and also where to position the stationary and moving arm of the goniometer.  Positioning the person is also important because it allows them to have full available range of motion without any unnecessary obstructions.  

The purpose of the test position for MMT is so that the muscles have optimal contraction. The position allows for the maximum amount of myosin and actin to be used in the muscle.  The MMT also allows the OT to position themselves in a position to apply force needed to test the person.  The gravity eliminated position is used when the person cannot produce much force against gravity itself.  Placing someone in the GE position allows them to move in a motion parallel to the ground which take gravity out of the equation.  This allows you to be able to rate the person based on their performance in this position.  

Daily Movement

When I cook breakfast in the morning, I turn the knob on the stove to turn it on.  When I reach for the stove, my elbow flexes at first at the same time my shoulder flexes. Then my elbow extends and as I grab the knob, my arm pronates from the neutral position to turn the knob. My arm is then returned to the starting position. Both flexion and extension occur in the sagittal plane and the frontal axis of rotation. Pronation of the arm happens in the transverse plane around a the vertical axis. Considering the osteokinematics of the elbow, it does from flexion to extension in an open kinematic chain. The arthrokinematics of the elbow in this movement would be the radius and ulna gliding on the humerous head while it rolls in the opposite direction.  Shoulder flexion would primarily use the deltoid muscle.  The prime movers for elbow flexion would be the biceps brachii, brachioradialis and brachialis.  When the elbow extends, the triceps would be the prime mover. The pronator teres and pronator quadratus would be the prime movers for pronation of the arm. All of these would be concentric actions.

Post Interview Reflection

 I feel like my interview went well overall. I was confident going into it but a little bit nervous because I wasn't sure what they were...